Protein Shakes aren’t just for Bodybuilders

Happy New Year!

How was New Year’s Eve for you? Did you set intentions or make resolutions? I love the energy of pivotal moments like 11:59 on December 31… Incredible shifts and transformations are swirling around in my life, and it’s taking some effort to embrace them. I am enjoying the idea of a clean slate as I dive into 2016.

Joe and I are in awe on a daily basis while is rapidly growing and evolving. It’s taking energy and focus that we’re offering with anticipation. As if this wasn’t enough on the menu for this first month of 2016, we’re also nearing the launch date of a book I’m co-authoring! This means we are implementing some new hacks in the kitchen and condensing time, for a few meals each week.…

The sequel sensual music video

Happy Holidays! 


How do you feel right now? I’m feeling really peaceful. The hustle and bustle energy that Christmas seems to bring each year has died down, and I’m so relieved. Even though we have chosen not to carry on this tradition for at least five years now, I still feel the intense energy of this time of year. My husband Joe and I don’t buy “presents” for each other, and buy only one for Joey, our 14 year old. This year, we actually didn’t buy him one at all. It’s one of the best decisions we’ve made. The uncomfortable, unnecessary pressure of Christmas consumerism has dissolved almost completely.

I know that New Year’s Eve has yet to come, and I really encourage you to to let this tradition live on.…

If you can do it in the kitchen…

Then you can do it all over!

It may be a bit of a pun, but it’s not a joke at all. Today, I was on a conference call with a group of incredible authors (or authors to be). We’re collaborating on a book, with the focus as relationships. I can’t share much more, but I will say that I’ll be a published author next year, 2016!

This article isn’t about the book, it’s about the process, and what’s unfolding as I write the book. On the call today, one of the co-authors mentioned how I am conveying how the microcosm in the kitchen is the macrocosm of the whole relationship. In other words, what happens in the kitchen is a smaller picture of what happens in the relationship as a whole or on a daily basis.…

Bypass cancer with 10 action steps

Just over one month ago (though it seems much longer) I wrote about my father being in the hospital as a result of COPD. It really sucks to say; I’m not surprised that my grandmother ended up in the hospital over 2000 miles west, only a few weeks later. What are the chances? I guess I didn’t give it much thought before the situation came to be, but the chances were high.

Imagine NEVER cleaning your house. No washing the dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, and so forth.  Do you think it would get filthy? Probably so…

What about your body? It’s a great metaphor, (that I certainly didn’t create) the body is a home. I love to refer to my body as a sacred temple.…

Coming out of the Closet

In “coming out of the closet,” I am referring to the psychedelic closet, as legendary Rick Doblin has put it. Sometimes I wonder if we’re all in the closet in one way or another. Is there anything that I keep to myself? Yes, there are a few things, but then again, there are always a few people who know. I never keep anything completely to myself. I’ve found it to be a great practice for me-just being open, even if it’s only with one person. I am so grateful for my relationship with my husband Joe, because I feel comfortable and happy to share with him, so many of my experiences and secrets.

One thing that connected Joe and I the day we met was our experiences with LSD.…

Sensual Food is about the sex…

  1. 1.
    determine the sex of.
    “sexing chickens”
  2. 2.

    present something in a more interesting or lively way.

    “the department set up a task force to help sex up the concept of conserving water”

When I introduce myself as a “Sensual Foodist” I usually get a reaction, followed by a question. What the hell does that mean? Ever heard of this definition? Presenting something in a more interesting or lively way? I like to talk about food in a more interesting or lively way. It’s just how I feel. I’m passionate about it. I’m passionate about putting something in my body that helps to make me feel amazing-inside and out. Yes, it’s about the sex, too.…

Recipe for Savory, Nutty Italian-inspired Crackers

Crackers can be addicting finger foods. Anything in bite-sized form with a delectable crunch always gets me excited. I love crunchy and savory. These crackers are made with fresh basil, so they’re even more delicious. I believe that my serious cracker snacking days were when I was young. I’d sit with a box of Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies and go to town (I’m sounding super Wisconsin right now aren’t I)? For me, there’s this childhood nostalgia associated with crackers.

I have to be honest, there are a few strings attached here. This recipe includes almond meal. Yes, you

can purchase almond meal at the grocery store, however!  My boatload of almond meal, chillin’ in the freezer is from the gallons upon gallons of almond milk I’ve made.…

Come Grocery Shopping with me!

I have a LOT of girlfriends who love to go shopping together; shopping for clothing. I can’t stand shopping for clothing! I’d much rather shop for FOOD! I’m fortunate to have a LOT of girlfriends who also love food, and they love going on culinary adventures. Farmer’s markets are some of the most exciting places in the world, if you use all of your senses to engage in the experience. I created a three minute video of one particular adventure because it was a whole morning of sensory pleasure with three women from completely different parts of the world.


Mercedes, is from Buenos Aires, Argentina;  Yuliya, is from Osipovichi, Belarus; and Emilia is from Gdansk, Poland.  We have so much fun eating and shopping (for food) together-and I enjoy it because of each girl’s unique approach.…

Meeting the Food Babe

Have you ever seen an invention, and said to yourself, “Hey! I thought of that years ago! Why didn’t I act on it?!” I feel like this is so common in our world today, and this same scenario goes for business as well.  When my husband Joe discovered the Food Babe, I totally had this feeling.  Why wasn’t I courageous enough to start speaking about the food industry publicly?  What was I waiting for? How could I withhold this information for years?! This feeling only lasting a brief moment, because I instantly fell in love with Vani Hari, the Food Babe and decided that the only and best option was to join the food babe army.  I was so excited about what she is doing, that I felt compelled to stand on my desk and clap as I read through her blog articles, and watched her videos exposing the food industry.…

How to make chia pudding

While Joe and I were in Mexico working as Recovery Coaches at Crossroads Treatment Center, we had this glorious kitchen to play in.  We had the day before New Year’s Eve off, so we spend some time creating some videos to share with you!  We were very motivated, ambitious and directed.  We just couldn’t find it within ourselves to be serious.  Here’s our attempt(s) at creating a short video to show you how to make chia seed pudding: (feel free to watch this ridiculousness, or just skip right on down to the super simple recipe)

My husband Joe LOVES chia seed pudding. I pretty much make it just for him.  When we traveled down to Mexico…we prayed that we would make it across the border with our huge box of produce from Ocean Beach People’s organic food market.…