Have you ever seen an invention, and said to yourself, “Hey! I thought of that years ago! Why didn’t I act on it?!” I feel like this is so common in our world today, and this same scenario goes for business as well. When my husband Joe discovered the Food Babe, I totally had this feeling. Why wasn’t I courageous enough to start speaking about the food industry publicly? What was I waiting for? How could I withhold this information for years?! This feeling only lasting a brief moment, because I instantly fell in love with Vani Hari, the Food Babe and decided that the only and best option was to join the food babe army. I was so excited about what she is doing, that I felt compelled to stand on my desk and clap as I read through her blog articles, and watched her videos exposing the food industry.
When I started working at Willy Street Coop in Madison, WI, at 20 years old, I was hit with this information like a ton of bricks. The food industry is all a scam? The brands that I loved, and trusted, were owned by much bigger corporations that I did not support. A great example is MaraNatha’s almond butter. I loved it! When I learned that this brand was owned by Hain Celestial…which “Heinz” has a stake in, I was saddened. Phillip Morris has it’s hand in Heinz, and do you know what Phillip Morris is?! It’s a freaking cigarette company! It’s extremely important to understand where your food is coming from, and what’s in it. The facts are out there, so if you’re going to eat packaged food, do a little research. Thank goodness for Willy Street Coop; they require staff to take classes held at the store to learn about the food industry and nutrition. I am infinitely grateful for this strong foundation I was given to stand on to continue to learn and share more and more information with you. If you want to make it easy on yourself, just buy 70% of your food in the (organic) produce section of your local grocery store, or the farmer’s market.
I have been investigating ingredients and reading labels for years, but I’ve never documented my findings. Thank goodness for Vani’s book: The Food Babe Way. She lays it all out! In her book, you’ll find a massive list of common toxic additives. You’ll then have the knowledge and power to understand more about what you may have been putting in your mouth, and make the choice to never eat it again! Not only will you learn what you don’t want to be consuming, you’ll learn where to go (and not go) when you’re dining out. This information is extremely valuable. It’s the difference between you living life to fullest, or merely existing: feeling lifeless, without energy, and experiencing unwanted ailments on a daily basis. I won’t even go into the list of symptoms that can result from putting (common) toxic ingredients in your mouth.
Just a quick peek of what I look out for when buying groceries. Yes, quality can certainly be more expensive, the easy answer for this is to make your own!

It’s simple. All of this “sensual food” talk is totally about eating “The Food Babe Way.” The messages from countless foodies are synonymous. From Food Babe, to Darya Rose, or Kris Carr-it’s all the same, no matter what you call it. It’s about eating high quality, local, organic, nutrient dense food, as much as possible. When I met Vani, she said, “you can only do your best-you can’t eat perfect all of the time.” It’s so true, and there’s no better time to begin than now-so get this book and educate yourself!
I have a feeling that you’re ready to learn about what to put in your mouth from one of the best? I’m bringing her to you live,
in less than two weeks! Register for the live, online event here…it’s free!