There’s a first time for everything, right? This will be the first time I share feedback in this way. I could simply just add it to a scrolling list of positive testimonials on the sidebar of, but this was near and dear to my heart, so I’m sharing it with you here. Do I have your permission? If so, please read on 😉

this is what super incredibly grateful feels like


When I posted The Hurb, one response came in via email:

“Good morning Lana!
This is incredible!!!
I just emailed Kelsea via the “contact” link on their site. I’d love to help get The Hurb [vending] machines into Madison. Thanks for sharing! Our office building alone has the nastiest vending machine, that no one touches because the options are horrible!
Side note, we finally (as a family) made the commitment to completely remove dairy from my oldest son, Easton’s, diet. We nixed milk years ago, but cheese was always a big part of what he ate. He had horrible sleep apnea, which in turn left him with not an ounce of good sleep, always grumpy/angry, never ate well, etc etc. Now he is eating full meals, often asking for seconds, he listens to our simple requests without talking back and his rhythmic breathing while he sleeps is the greatest sound I’ve ever heard!
I’m glad I found you and cannot thank you enough for your inspiration. Just having your blog and facebook posts keeps me in the right mindset to make the right choices!
Have a wonderful day!”
After I asked permission to post, this was the follow up:
“You have full permission to share our story. You might add that we had a doctor’s recommendation to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. Through much research and advice from a respected Naturopathic doctor, we were 100% convinced that his swollen tonsils and adenoids were his body’s natural alarm system going off-due to dairy intolerance. If completely removing the cause of the alarm worked, there would be no reason to remove the alarm system itself. Don’t get me started on how we (people) cover up our body’s natural receptor’s with heartburn medicine, lactaids, insulin, etc.!!!
Please keep doing what you do!”
-Joe S.

This is totally why I do what I do!  This message made my day, and is the fuel that keeps me sharing my message.  It’s not often that I boast what I think is wrong to put in your mouth, I’d rather talk about what’s right.  I’m not a scientist, and I don’t know the absolute truth of everything, but I know my own body. I know that what I put in my mouth makes me feel amazing.  This is why I tell you exactly what I’m eating! My friends, family and a large community of sensual foodists have deemed these foods tried and true. I have been known to nibble on a little brie, on a farm in France. Though here’s a fact, not all dairy is healthy, and Joe was certainly on point removing it from his family’s diet.

I really love David Wolfe.  This video is very aligned with my message. He’s a rock star in the health world, and I don’t see him as being too overly extremist.  Do your own research and question everything, especially if you wake up, and do not feel amazing everyday!

Please share in the comments section below, as to whether you’ve ever considered removing something from your regular diet.  If so, what symptoms were you having that made you question your diet?



PSST!!!  The webinar with the Edible Goddess is soon to follow,
don’t forget to register here!