Feelings of shopping as a Sensual Foodist

What’s the most excited you’ve ever been while eating? Think of that time. Could you barely get the food in your mouth fast enough, or were you taking all of your sweet time to savor every bite because you just didn’t want to finish? Was it the greatest moment ever? Have you ever had one of these with food?

At Burning Man-just a few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to spend time with a few of my mastermind sisters (a group of incredible entrepreneurs who support each other in current endeavors). Joe and I were sitting, having tea-at the Full Circle Tea House, and I saw one of my girlfriends pop her head in. I rushed over to hug her and noticed that all of my mastermind sisters were in less than a 10

foot radius at that moment.…

Come Grocery Shopping with me!

I have a LOT of girlfriends who love to go shopping together; shopping for clothing. I can’t stand shopping for clothing! I’d much rather shop for FOOD! I’m fortunate to have a LOT of girlfriends who also love food, and they love going on culinary adventures. Farmer’s markets are some of the most exciting places in the world, if you use all of your senses to engage in the experience. I created a three minute video of one particular adventure because it was a whole morning of sensory pleasure with three women from completely different parts of the world.


Mercedes, is from Buenos Aires, Argentina;  Yuliya, is from Osipovichi, Belarus; and Emilia is from Gdansk, Poland.  We have so much fun eating and shopping (for food) together-and I enjoy it because of each girl’s unique approach.…

The Hurb…can you guess what it is?

Have you ever used a vending machine? What shiny little package shot out of the bottom? When you ate it, how did you feel?

A life-long friendship was birthed out of a moment when I really could have used a vending machine-but not just any vending machine, of course. In 2012, I was dancing for a band, called Durian Sex Cult, while they performed in Santa Cruz, California. An airbrush artist named Kelsea Ernst came to paint the dancers with adornments before the show, and I totally fell in love with her. While she was airbrushing black lace cuffs on my wrists, I was expressing my deep desire for something delicious to eat to my husband Joe, sitting next to me.…

Where my sweet (dessert) spot is

I’m in Nevada this week for Burning Man!  While I dance my butt off in the heat, I long for cool, sweet indulgences.  As I daydream, hopefully I can vicariously live through you after I tell you where the best sweet spot is!

It’s not often that I feel the need to review or even mention a dessert spot, as I am not a fan of sugar or processed food.  However,

I’ve discovered perfection!

juice with a twist

Joe and I love to break away from our day and go out for a long stroll and enjoy a sweet snack.  Yet it’s rare that we do so anymore, as we don’t seem to have many options.  There certainly are not an abundance of ice cream shops or places to get a desert that don’t load up on sugar.