Is this your first visit to If not, you’re already familiar with the concept of Sensual Food and what it is. To sum it up, it’s real food, food that is unadulterated, unprocessed, pure, clean, natural, and organic. If we want to get really specific, it’s local and sustainable too!
It’s just scrumptious, colorful food.
It’s pretty simple when it comes to identifying the opposite, however I don’t talk about it much. I like to focus on what’s desirable, as opposed to what foods to avoid. Though sometimes it’s necessary. Right now, I’m in beautiful, sunny, sweltering Mexico. The heat is more than enough to get me feeling uncomfortable midday. I make sure not to add any element of discomfort with certain foods (that are very plentiful here).
1. Food cooked in low quality oil. Vegetable is cheap. It’s common here in Mexico and many other places in the world. If you’re eating street food or restaurant food, be sure to check what they’re using. No need to check at most upscale restaurants. Best options are to eat steamed, raw or cook your own food if you have access to a kitchen! Example: Tortilla chips! Opt for the uncooked version (fresh corn tortillas).
2. Highly processed food. Most things in a bag, just avoid them completely or to the best of your ability. Bread is something to have in moderation, unless it’s made with high quality ingredients and by hand. When in doubt, leave it out! Example: White “sandwich” bread. The above option is better and if you can, seek out some good ol’ sourdough bread made by hand, the traditional way.
3. Food with refined sugar. Ask if sweets are made with honey, dates or maple syrup if you must have them. If they’re loaded with the white stuff, skip it and have a juice to satisfy the craving. Example: Ice cream. How about a smoothie or pineapple juice?!
This is a quick list for you to keep in mind while you’re out exploring a new place and stop for a meal. Keep it bright, fresh, colorful and alive to feel just the same and have the absolute best time together. I’ve been around the world, and assure you, there is always a good option.
What do you think? Is keeping it fresh and colorful easy abroad? How about in a new city in your home state? If you live somewhere where this is a challenge, let me know. Also, if you’ve traveled somewhere where this has been a challenge, but you made it through feeling great. Congratulations, by the way, and be sure to share in the comments section below. Love this article? Share it with your friends! We’d be so grateful!