Collecting spring water for better sex

I could actually title everything on “x” for better sex. Ninety-percent of everything I eat and drink contributes to a healthy love life. This is certainly not an ego-trip, it’s fact. I’m preaching because I want you to feel good and experience sensual bliss too. If that’s alright with you, then read on.

This is a continuation from last week, when I ranted about drinking plastic flavored water. It was a sad moment when I ran out of water when I reached the top of North America’s tallest waterfall, because it was contaminated by my low-quality plastic hydration pack.

My husband Joe and I collect our water from a natural spring. We used to have an Aquasana filter on our sink, but learned after a year of using it, that it wasn’t delivering us the best source of pure water.…

The Hurb…can you guess what it is?

Have you ever used a vending machine? What shiny little package shot out of the bottom? When you ate it, how did you feel?

A life-long friendship was birthed out of a moment when I really could have used a vending machine-but not just any vending machine, of course. In 2012, I was dancing for a band, called Durian Sex Cult, while they performed in Santa Cruz, California. An airbrush artist named Kelsea Ernst came to paint the dancers with adornments before the show, and I totally fell in love with her. While she was airbrushing black lace cuffs on my wrists, I was expressing my deep desire for something delicious to eat to my husband Joe, sitting next to me.…