Last weekend, my husband, Joe and I participated in a Tantric kissing workshop led by the highly skilled Divine Kika. Who could resist a beautiful Brazilian Goddess leading you through intimate practices with your beloved? Well, Joe and I couldn’t. One look at the workshop through a Facebook event page had us hooked. First, I will let you know that it was absolutely wonderful and certainly one of the best date nights that we’ve ever had. It was unique, we were in the company of conscious couples, and we were learning something new — learning something that would enhance our relationship; everything about it was just perfect.

I’d love for you to get a vision of the setting for this perfect evening. The venue was a large studio with hardwood floors, which we entered through a doorway of soft drapes. Warm, glowing Himalayan salt rocks faintly lit the edges of the room. Enchanting Geode crystal Rocks and rare gems were strategically positioned throughout the room, with attention to the art of Feng Shui. We sat in a circle with seven other couples which instantly felt like a supportive community. The ambiance was intimate and serene.

I highly recommend attending Tantra workshops and gatherings as a weekend date night for you and your lover. There’s always something new to learn and deepen your connection. Who could refuse more love? You may know where I’m going with this. Yes, it’s all about the food. During the workshop we learned a lot of new techniques, and one of the last involved a juicy, fresh slice of mango. As I don’t want to spoil any of the fun for you — since you certainly will need to try out one of these workshops for yourself, I will only in divulge what I had already practiced prior. If you are familiar with this blog and the ideas that I’ve shared, then you will know that I believe sensuality and food are interwoven. How fitting that the literal translation of Tantra is “to weave.” Joe and I have been practicing Tantra and assisting our teachers, Freddy Zental Weaver and Dr. Elsbeth Meuth in their workshops for nearly five years. TantraNova is an integral part of my Tantric education and practice. Thus, this almost goes without saying, but my study of Tantra is certainly part of my message on a subtle level.

Cultivating sensuality through nourishing the body with plant based foods is certainly a concept that has existed for centuries. Most foods declared as aphrodisiacs, for example, are plant based. Plant based foods have been cherished for millennia for their nourishing and healing properties. We’ve evolved into a fast-paced culture that is forever seeking the fastest means to fill the void of hunger. This means that many have lost connection with these plant based foods that take time to grow and prepare. However, eating healthy can be simple and rather quick—faster than the time it will take to recover from the consequences of not doing so! Only speaking from experience here ; ) We know natural, unprocessed, whole foods are important. But why sensuality? Eating with all five senses can truly connect us with our food. The food that ignites all of our senses is really the food we want to be nourishing the body with. The result of eating well is feeling incredible. When we feel incredible, we can fully connect with each other. Your relationship with food can reveal much about your relationship with your partner.
What I have found in practicing Tantra authentically, is that sensuality is key. When I fully tune into sensuality, life is so much juicier. What I want to share here is not actually about Tantra. It’s much more tangible.

If you don’t make it to a Tantric Kissing workshop this weekend, it’s never a bad time to start your practice and you can prep for this course at home. Set aside some time, at least an hour to be with your partner. Either together, or as a surprise for your beloved, set the scene. Dim the lights, light candles and play sexy calm music at a low volume. You’ve done this before, right?! Do you remember building a fort as a kid with pillows, sheets and chairs? Your big kid fort this sensual occasion should resemble something a bit more sophisticated (Google image search: “tantric room”)! Let’s start with a sexy piece of fruit — or of course, if a vegetable is sexy to you, by all means-grab a carrot. Make sure it’s organic; we’re eating for pleasure, but also to provide optimal nourishment to the body. Enjoy the art of arranging this food on a large gorgeous plate—think color or decorative.
The practice:
When you welcome each other into the room, which you should now see as a sacred space, be very intentional. The way you physically connect and touch, and the words you speak should be an invitation. You are inviting your lover into the moment to fully experience pleasure. Sit upright, comfortably, facing each other. When you look at your lover, hold a left eye to left eye gaze for a few moments and take a few deep breaths in unison. You’ll know, and feel what’s right in the moment. Pick up a piece of fruit as if it’s a sacred gem, and slowly bring it to the lips of your lover. When the fruit makes contact with your lover’s lips, gently caress the lips with light pressure. When the lips are moist with the fruit’s juice, allow them to slowly puncture the skin of the fruit with their teeth. Instruct them to tenderly draw the sweet nectar from the fruit by sucking. Feed your lover slowly, skillfully and intentionally. When they’ve finished the entire piece, let your finger brush against their bottom lip as you pull away to reach for another piece. The more you breathe, and the slower you move, the better. Become fully aware of every sensation you’re experiencing and invite your lover to do the same.
A very widely known approach to life is simply enjoying every moment to its fullest. This has been accepted by many as the broader meaning of life. I love the idea of simplifying and putting it into practice where we are already in motion. Food and eating!

Once you’ve experienced this sensual pleasure with food between you and you lover, you can bring this practice into each day. It takes only a moment to pause during a meal and connect through the sensory pleasures before you. Joe and I absolutely love sharing a bowl of fresh, organic blueberries together. It’s as simple as taking thirty seconds to feed one berry to one another, or just enjoy them together by sharing the pleasure verbally… “These blueberries are so good! They’re so gorgeous and plump! Mmm!” Choose the most optimal nourishment. Fall in love with your food, and DO, share with your partner.
Have you practiced Tantra or attended a Tantric Kissing workshop? Please share your experience in the comments section below! I’d love to hear about your juicy experiences. How do you make your meals with your lover sensual? Have you brought sensuality into you kitchen? Let us know what you’ve been cooking 🙂