Spicy Secret Series #1: Cinnamon


Spicy Secret Series #1: Cinnamon |  by: July Westhale

Remember “How snacks can save your marriage?”  Well, that moment when your blood sugar drops and you’re ready to chew on your own arm, cinnamon is a quick and easy trick!

Research has shown that two teaspoons of cinnamon the night before a blood glucose test can drastically alter the results. As a long-time hypoglycemic, I always carry cinnamon supplements around in my purse-arsenal for times of low blood sugar, since it’s a well-recognized quick-fix.

For hundreds of years, the spice has not only been used to solve a hangry-arm chewing catastrophe, it’s also used as a remedy for muscle spasms, to vomiting, and just for the common cold, or loss of appetite, stomach upset, and inflammation that contributes to illnesses such as arthritis or chronic pain.…

“Sex and Poop”: a Valentine’s libido class

FREAKING elated.  Yup. That’s what I was during a class I attended at Rainbow Grocery Cooperative in San Francisco.  This class drew me in with the saucy subject; Libido and Sexual Health.  “Poop,” as you may have noticed in the title of this post, is a bold way of referring to digestion.  I will expound more on this topic in following posts!  The main topics of the class were as follows:

  • Which foods boost and which foods squash your sex drive
  • The connection between your mind, heart and libido
  • Understanding the role of hormones
  • The role of stress and mood on your sex life
  • Herbs that support libido and sexual well being

The three presenters, Sara Reed, Marisol Kim, and Sara Jane Gorman delivered such intriguing and useful information that I was literally on the edge of my seat, while attempting to take notes at lightning speed.…

New Year’s Resolutions with a hint of sensuality



Have you decided on your New Year’s “resolution” yet?  Ready to try something new and bold this year? No need to change your resolution, it’s just linguistics.  Let’s make an



1. a thing intended; an aim or plan.

2. an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.




: the act of finding an answer or solution to

a conflict, problem, etc. : the act of resolving something

: an answer or solution to something

 We all associate something with the word, resolution.  Unless you’ve been successful 100% of the time, you’ve got nothing to lose in trying on a new idea 😉

Team work makes the dream work. …