Sensual Recipe for enjoying every bite of your mushroom soup!

Spoon to lips.  Incoming!  Textures and flavors ignite the senses.  Deep, slow inhale with closed eyes and we’re in orgasmic food bliss.

I love this concept of “orgasmic food!” It really caught my attention when my friend, the beautiful Miss Jaiya-an internationally recognized sexologist-used these words to describe the way we eat.

Yesterday, my husband and I had dinner at this adorable quaint little place near our home; that prides themselves on using organic, local, sustainable fare (orgasmic food).  The food is delicious and the quality is unmistakable.  It was so incredibly tasty that after I took a moment in gratitude, and blessed my meal-as I do each time-we literally dove in.  It only took a few bites for me to realize I wasn’t really enjoying the food. …

Speaking the same food language…and makin’ love in the kitchen

Jenny L.: “Great Blog! I’m married to a chef and would love to see you write about getting your partner on board with revamping the kitchen.”

Lana: “Love it! Totally part of the plan…stay tuned! I’ll certainly zero in on this!”

Jenny L.: “Cool.  Because I’m gluten and dairy free and more…he can eat what he wants and thinks organic “isn’t worth it””

This is the good stuff.  This is where food gets fun. When we can make LOVE in the kitchen.

What better way to dive in, then sharing my own journey?  My own story of how love began in the kitchen. There’s a whole wild ride that took me to South Jersey and to the doorstep of a man’s home who is now my husband. …